Master: mossad
Tags: #Action #Harem #Vampire #Youkai #Ecchi
Description: ☯ {。^◕‿◕^。} ✦❉ ❥ ❦ ❧ ❃ ❂ ❁ ❀ ♔ ♕ ♖ ♗ ♘ ♙ ♚ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ♟ ♠ ♡ ♢ ♣ ♤ ♥ ♦ ♧.
Author(s): Xian Man
Status(s): Ongoing
Reviews: the anime is good
Author(s): N/A
Status(s): Ongoing
Reviews: N/A
Author(s): Tong Yao
Status(s): Ongoing
Reviews: N/A
Author(s): DAZUI
Status(s): Ongoing
Reviews: N/A
Fenglin Tianxia - Wangfei Shisansui
Author(s): Yi Shi Feng Liu
Status(s): Ongoing
Reviews: N/A
Author(s): Zero League
Status(s): Ongoing
Reviews: cool
The Simple Job of Having Your Blood Sucked by Kiryuin Kaya
Author(s): SANSHOKU Amido
Status(s): Completed
Reviews: Its ok ♣♣
Author(s): Subaruichi
Status(s): Ongoing
Reviews: ITS FUN
Author(s): SHIMABUKURO Mitsutoshi
Status(s): Completed
Reviews: well let say its not bad and i like the anime too
Author(s): ADACHI Toka
Status(s): Ongoing
Reviews: Good
Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage
Author(s): Kishimoto Masashi
Status(s): Completed
Reviews: its ok ♠♠♠
Author(s): KISHIMOTO Masashi
Status(s): Completed
Reviews: good good ☺♣♦♣♣
Author(s): KIM Un-Jung
Status(s): Completed
Reviews: it's really hilarious, LoL !! Really funny i like it ♦♣♣♣♦
Author(s): Huang Xiao da
Status(s): Ongoing
Reviews: More of this Bakayaro Konoyaro ☻
Author(s): Tian Can Tu Dou
Status(s): Ongoing
Reviews: so fare so good ☯ ♠ Ω ♤ ♣ ♧
Author(s): HAYASHI Tomoaki
Status(s): Completed
Reviews: hmmm its ok
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