[Kyl Thyndrael] The Dark Ritual - RPG|New World|Horror|OP Protag|Epic

Collect 126

Master: xdarkness

Tags: #Action #Ecchi #Harem #Horror #Vampire #Young Blood #Boy X Girl

Description: My collection of the, in my opinion, best and most exceptional masterpieces of mangas/manhwas in existence. Does include many unknown titles, as well as popular titles. I picked only the most outstanding and epic titles, so you won't find generic school life harem mangas here. This list is for the best of the best, mangas with protags that hold the power and passion to change whole worlds. So in short: Epicalyptic..

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Total Series: 4 11/09/2015 Create 12/09/2015 Update
Collect 126
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