list of stuff i want to keep reading
Master: skorge
Description: just some stuff i want to keep up to date on .
Author(s): KAGAMI Takaya
Status(s): Ongoing
Reviews: ch.30 pg. 41
Author(s): MASUDA Eiji
Status(s): Ongoing
Reviews: N/A
Author(s): Komi Naoshi
Status(s): Completed
Reviews: N/A
Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka
Author(s): OOMORI Fujino
Status(s): Ongoing
Reviews: N/A
Author(s): Akamatsu Ken
Status(s): Completed
Reviews: N/A
Author(s): YOSHIKAWA Miki
Status(s): Completed
Reviews: im on chapter 144 pg. 12
Author(s): OHTAKA Shinobu
Status(s): Ongoing
Reviews: N/A
Aka Akatoretachi no Monogatari
Author(s): KAISHAKU
Status(s): Completed
Reviews: gonna read it
Author(s): ASHIHARA Daisuke
Status(s): Ongoing
Reviews: ima read it
Author(s): AKAMATSU Ken
Status(s): Ongoing
Reviews: i like it
Author(s): MIZUKAMI Satoshi
Status(s): Completed
Reviews: interesting story
Author(s): ODA Eiichiro
Status(s): Ongoing
Reviews: its pretty decent
Author(s): MASHIMA Hiro
Status(s): Completed
Reviews: i like it
Author(s): ISAYAMA Hajime
Status(s): Completed
Reviews: ehh why not?
Author(s): TSUKUDA Yuuto
Status(s): Completed
Reviews: just really makes me want gourmet food. thats all there is to it
Author(s): ANEKO Yusagi
Status(s): Ongoing
Reviews: its a new manga for me because i havent seen a main character be portrayed as the baddy so i like it being original to me.
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